Monday, November 24, 2008

How many is too many??

Ask most men how many shoes their wife, girlfriend, or sister has and the answer is: "too many." But men just don’t understand. It’s like Mars & Venus – too different worlds! What is the answer to the age old question – how many shoes is too many? Ask most women and they will say – there is no such thing as too many shoes! How is it possible to have too many, there are so many occasion to wear them that you need a lot just to get you through a couple of months (let alone a year).

And what do men care? I tried to explain the concept of shoes to a male friend who didn’t understand why his wife had bought yet another pair of black shoes. As I very kindly pointed out, each pair of those black shoes is different – different style, different heel height, material, different seasons…. I asked him, “Now do you get it?” He just looked at me blankly…. They just don’t get it!

I stopped counting when I reached three digits and my husband cant complain as I do wear them all (well a lot of them anyway). This princess firmly believes that there is no such thing as too many shoes. After all a princess has to have some vices!

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